Friday, December 19


Joy to the World will be performed at 2:30 PM on December 20 and 21; 7:30 PM on December 19, 20, 21, and 23; and a special Christmas Eve performance at 9 PM.

Admission is free, with childcare provided for ages 0-5 (except Christmas Eve). Interpretation for the deaf will be offered on December 20 at the 7:30 presentation. Seating is limited, so arrive at least 45 - 60 minutes early. Doors open 1 hour before presentation begins.
Location: Neighborhood Church
20600 John Drive
Castro Valley, CA 94546

Wednesday, December 17

Christmas Caroling

We'll be having our Christmas Caroling on Wednesday, December 17th, 7 pm at Hayward Hills Healthcare Center.

Address: 1768 B Street, Hayward, 94541

Here's our opportunity to be a blessing to the elderly.

For a map, pls click on the picture.

"Religion that God our Father accepts as pure and faultless is this: to look after orphans and widows in their distress and to keep oneself from being polluted by the world. " James 1:27

Tuesday, December 16

5-Week Series on Making Abortion Unthinkable

The fifth and final meeting will be on Tuesday, 7 pm in San Leandro.
Making Abortion Unthinkable will enable you to enter any arena--from one-on-one discussion to a public debate--with full confidence that your case is solid and your appeal is just.
You will learn how to...
1. Restore meaning to the word "abortion" by properly using graphic visual aids
2. Simplify the abortion issue by focusing on only one question
3. Use scientific evidence to offer a sound, reasonable, persuasive argument
4. Expose the four common flaws of pro-abortion rhetoric

Saturday, December 13

Christmas and Church Anniversary Night

Remember the one glove (Michael Jackson)? Parachute pants? Swatch watches? Plastic earrings? Favorite sayings such as Gnarly, rad, Homey don't play that, no duh, Where's the beef....
If you love the 80's here's your opportunity to show off your 80's spirit on Saturday ,
December 13th, from 5-9 pm at Light By The Bay Church.
Our theme is "Remembering the 80's."
Wear your favorite 80's outfit/character.
There will be lots of games, food, singing, and most of all, a time to thank our Lord Jesus for showering us with his blessing in 2008.

Friday, November 14

How Can I Know For Sure Is The Right Person For Me?

Wednesday, November 5

Tuesday, November 4

Vote Yes On Proposition 8

Friday, October 31

Pumpkin Patch Festival

The Pumpkin Patch Festival is a fun and safe alternative to the traditional Trick-Or-Treating. Here we provide a fun environment your entire family can come and enjoy food, games, friends, and lots of candy!
Come dressed in your favorite (non-scary) costume and play at over 20 game booths, where you can win candy at every booth! Booths include, basketball throw, football pass, golf putt, fishing booth, cake walk, obstacle course, bean bag toss, etc...
Date: October 31
Time: 5:30 - 8:30 pm
Place: 19300 Redwood Road Castro Valley, CA 94546
Cost: 2 Factory sealed bags of Candy per child (up to 4 children) OR $2.50 per child (no more than $7.50 per family). This does not include food tickets which can be purchased for fifty cents apiece at our ticket booth.

Sunday, October 26

"What should I do when I don't know the wise thing to do?"

"Wise people know what they do not know, and they are not afraid to go to those who know."

"A wise man will hear and increase in learning,
And a man of understanding will acquire wise counsel..." Proverbs 1:5

Thursday, October 23

God's Financial Plan In Tough Times

1. Give it. First, pay God.
2. Save it. Pay yourself.
3. Repay debt.
4. Pay taxes.
5. Spend it. Go shopping.

The Bible says that the way you manage your money influences how much God blesses you spiritually, how much He trusts you with spiritual blessings. He says if you’re not responsible with your pennies and your nickels and your dimes and your dollars and you’re not very responsible with the physical and material possessions God gives you then He looks at you and goes, "Then I can’t trust you with spiritual truths and spiritual blessing and spiritual responsibilities not only here on earth but for forever in eternity."

Despite economic hardships, God wants us to be faithful to Him in our finances. Jesus said in Matthew 6:33, "But seek first his kingdom and his righteousness, and all these things will be given to you as well."

God says, "I dare you to trust me." In the next 3 months , if you do ALL five things listed above, "all these things will be given to you." Watch what will happen. God is always true to His word.

Monday, October 6

5 Tips for Helping Busy Parents Reprioritize Their Lives

Of the 24 hours – the 1,440 minutes – available to us each day, parents actually spend very little time with their children. In fact, the average father spends only 3 minutes a day with his kids! So, how about you? Do you need a little help getting your priorities straight? Is it money you have but peace you lack?

Well, here are “5 Tips for Helping Busy Parents Re-Prioritize Their Lives:”

1. Ruthlessly Eliminate Stress No one can get their priorities straight if they’re constantly living “under the gun.” If there’s so much stress in your life that you’re finding it difficult to keep your priorities in order, lighten your load first – and now!

2. Make Daily Solitude a Priority Don’t feel guilty or like you’re “avoiding your family” for making time for yourself each day. It’s a must... even if it’s just 15 minutes in the morning for “quiet time” with the Lord. No one will miss you if you “take 5” for yourself every now and then... so do it.

3. Develop a “Blank Slate” Approach In other words, begin and end each day with no agenda. Come before the Lord with open arms, hands and an open mind and heart each morning. Let Him set your day in motion and then give everything back to Him at the end of each day – all your worries, cares, successes, failures. Exchange them for a good night’s sleep. (Psalm 91:1)

4. Give Your Family Your Best – Not Your “Emotional Leftovers” It’s very noble to “give your all” at work. But, what does that leave for your spouse and kids? Not much? Not good! Your family deserves the best you have to offer. They need you healthy, rested, happy, or perhaps more importantly, content. No “table scraps” from your heart for them. Give them the main course. Then, watch how your priorities change by themselves!

5. Don’t Wait for Someone Else to Do this For You This is your life – these should be your priorities. If you’re waiting for someone else to come alongside you and tell you how to live your life, you’re in for a long wait. The time to make the changes is now – so get to it!

Reprioritizing your life doesn’t have to be difficult. But, if you’re like most of us, it does need to be done every now and then. And, with God’s help, you can do it!

(Excerpted from the book, The 10 Building Blocks for a Happy Family by Jim Burns, Ph.D.)

Saturday, October 4

Rock Of Ages Festival - Napa Fairgrounds, October 4th

Newsboys, Thousand Foot Krutch, Seventh Day Slumber, Salvador, Jaci Velasquez, Christafari, Destination 7 and 4 other bands, Motocross Thrill Show with BMX and Boarders for Christ skateboard team. We have added a Latino stage with the Gutierrez Brothers, Childrens Stage with Mark Thompson and VeggieTales...and most importantly, Brad Butcher from Luis Pallau Ministries with Joseph Rojas will present the greatest message of hope for eternity. And, the Gospel will be presented on ALL STAGES!
This is a festival that changes lives. Join thousands in lifting people to Christ! And have a blast doing it!

And it's only $5!!! For more information visit

Friday, October 3

Women Of Faith Infinite Grace Conference October 3-4 2008

Calling all women!
Women of Faith will be held on October 3-4 at HP Pavilion in San Jose on Fri night and all day Saturday.
Relax! Join us and learn why you can stop trying so hard. Come and see what it can mean to rest in God's amazing, unequaled, Infinite Grace!

Women Of Faith Infinite Grace 2008

Sunday, September 21

The Best Question Ever

Nobody plans to make mistakes. They just happen. There's money we wish we hadn't spent, relationships we should have avoided, jobs we'd like to forget. The list is endless. But God promises something much better---and his Word provides a filter to successfully evaluate every opportunity, friendship, and decision in your life!

The question is not, "Is it legal?" "Is it culturally okay?" "Is it allowable?" "Is it acceptable?" "Is it on sale?"
The bank loaned me the money. Zero percent financing. Everybody is doing it. It must be okay.
What God wants us to ask is, "In light of my past experience, current circumstances, and future hopes, goals, and dreams, 'What is the wise thing for me to do?'" This question will save you from a lifetime of guilt, shame, and regrets.

Thursday, September 11

Remembering 9/11

September 11 was a wake-up call for America: a call to think about life and death; a call to cherish family and friends a call to share the Good News of Jesus; and a call to pray.

Spend time today- prayer or a moment of silence in honoring the heroism shown by our fellow Americans that day.

We thank God for the blessings of freedom that we enjoy, and for the men and women who sacrifice to help us keep those freedoms.
"Who shall separate us from the love of Christ? Shall trouble or hardship or persecution or famine or nakedness or danger or sword? No, in all things we are more than conquerors through him who loved us. For I am convinced that neither death nor life, neither angels nor demons, neither the present nor the future, nor any powers, neither height nor depth, nor anything else in all creation, will be able to separate us from the love of God that is in Christ Jesus our Lord." Romans 8:35;37-39

Tuesday, September 9

Got Kids? See Veggie Tales Live!

Kids of all ages (1-100) love VeggieTales and now's your chance to see the LIVE production of God "Made You Special" coming to California. Bob & Larry are looking forward to seeing all their fans in Livermore.
When: Sept. 18th, 4pm or 7pm shows
Where: Cornerstone Fellowship, Livermore
Cost: $16 (Kids under 2 years old are free!)

Saturday, August 9

Church Picnic - August 9th

Church picnic will be at Cull Canyon in Castro Valley on Saturday, August 9th at 11 Am.
Bring your favorite food to share, an opportunity to get baptized, and have lots of fun.

For the map, please click on the picture.
The Address is:
18627 Cull Canyon Road
Castro Valley, CA 94546

Tuesday, August 5

Monday, August 4

Vacation Bible School

Saturday, August 2

Church Family Camp

Friday, August 1

FREE Family Summer Movies

at Regal Theater in Dublin.
Show start at 10 AM on Tuesdays and Wednesdays.

For a list of movies pls click on the picture.

Tuesday, July 22

Vacation Bible School

will be July 22-26 (Tue-Sat), from 6:00 pm to 9 pm. On Saturday, it will be 10 am to 12:30 pm.
Children from preschool to 6th grade are welcome


Give your children a new enthusiasm for God's Word--and for Jesus! As we engage kids with fun, science-themed surprises, you'll see amazing things happen. The delighted smiles...the memorable Bible points...they all add up to making a life-long difference in the lives of your children!

Sunday, July 20

Night of Worship at Neighborhood Church in Castro Valley

A Night of Worship at Neighborhood Church in Castro Valley will be this Sunday, July 20th, at 6:13 pm.

6:13 incorporates exciting and energetic worship, real and relevant team teaching (by Tyler Scott and Brent Eldridge), and a ton of friendly people.

Tuesday, July 15

Effective Discipline

One of the most dangerous in dealing with disciplining a child is overreacting to our kid's behaviors.
Here are some practical tips on keeping your cool towards your kids:
H stands for hurt.
A stands for angry.
L stands for lonely.
T stands for tired.
You are most likely to react when you are either hurt, angry, lonely, and tired. Pause and reflect until you have time to sort out your feelings.
The HALT strategy applies to ALL relationships.
taken from Dr. Jim Burns,

Friday, July 4

There will be no worship service this

Sunday, July 6th, due to our church family camp.
We encourage those to attend a Christ-centered church to worship this Sunday.

Church Family Camp will be at

Redwood Glen near Half Moon Bay on the 4th of July
It'll be an awesome time of relaxation, fellowship, and time with God.
We may even see the fireworks on Friday night.

Hands-Free Cell Phone Law

Starting today, July 1, 2008, don't be surprised to see a lot of drivers talking to themselves in California and Washington. Or perhaps pulled over and talking to a policeman instead after being caught using a handheld phone. That's when laws prohibiting the use of a cell phone while driving go into effect in those two states, and the only way you'll be able to phone and drive is hands-free.

Sunday, June 29

English as a Second Language -Certification Training

Where: East Bay Baptist Association in San Leandro
When: September 25-27;
Thursday: 5:30-9 PM; Friday: 5:30-9 PM; Saturday: 8 AM- 4 PM.
Cost: $75/person in advanced; $100 at the door.
The 14 1/2 hour workshop will equip you to teach English to non-English speaking people, organize a literacy ministry in your church, understand students' needs and perspectives, use language teaching techniques and materials, and create witnessing opportunities.

If you are interested, please contact Pastor Glenn.

Wednesday, June 25

Singles Oakland A's Outing will be this

Wednesday night at 7:05 pm.
We'll resume our study on Creation next week. Let's Go Oakland!

Sunday, June 22

Godly Fathers, Godly Sons: Six Lessons A Father Is To Teach His Son

1. Teach your son to fear God. Prov. 1:7-8
I have to teach my son about God.
2. Teach your son to guard his mind. Prov. 3:1-2
Monitor my son's media intake.
3. Teach your son to wisely select his friends. Prov. 1:10
Invite your children's friend to your home so you know who they are.
4. Teach your son to be sexually pure. Prov. 5
"All future romantic relationship in a girl's life will be influenced positively or negatively by the way she interacts with her dad." Teach your son by the way you treat your wife.
5. Teach your son to value work. Prov. 6:6-11
Assign chores and make it fun. Take your child to your workplace.
6. Teach your son to manage His money. Prov. 3:9-10
"God owns it all. We are managers of what we have." Teach your son to tithe. Teach him to live on a budget.
Could it be that husbands and wives are so overworked chasing the American Dream that they have no time for each other and many hardly know their children?
"Have you recently dated your child?"
"Do you know your child's goals, hopes, dreams, and fears?" Hurts? Struggles?
"These commandments that I give you today are to be upon your hearts. Impress them on your children. Talk about them when you sit at home and when you walk along the road, when you lie down and when you get up. Tie them as symbols on your hands and bind them on your foreheads. Write them on the doorframes of your houses and on your gates." Deut. 6:6-9

Saturday, June 21

Youth Garage Sale is this

Saturday, June 21 in San Leandro starting 9 AM.
The youth are doing a fundraising for their trip to Monterey's Spirit West Coast on Aug. 1-2.
If you have quality stuff to donate, please contact Bro Marco.

Friday, June 13

How To Win Over Temptation

1. Remind myself of the negative consequences of my choice.
How then could I do such a wicked thing and sin against God? Gen. 39:9
2. Fill my mind with God's Word against Satan.
Thy Word have I hidden in my heart that I might not sin against thee. Psalm 119:11
3. Fix my eyes on Jesus.
Let us fix our eyes on Jesus, the author and perfecter of our faith... Heb. 12:2
What gets your attention, gets you. Monitor your media intake.
4. Find an accountability partner (Man- to- Man, Woman-to-Woman)..
Two people are better off the one, for they can help each other succeed. If one person falls, the other can reach out and help. But someone who falls alone is in real trouble. Eccl. 4:9-10

Thursday, May 29

Diploma of Church Ministries

is designed to prepare pastors, church planters, lay leaders and workers to effectively minister through the local church. The DCM curriculum focuses on Christian living, Bible survey, church starting, church growth,and ministry skills providing a foundation for the Associates of Biblical Studies.

Pastor Glenn will offer the Class 103 on Sundays, June 8th, from 4-6 pm in the San Leandro/San Lorenzo area. It's $60/person and 2 books are required by the student to purchase.

It is a 14-week course and worth 2 units.

Monday, May 26

Message: Winning Over Temptation

Principles for understanding temptation:

1. Differentiate between test and temptation.

2. Have a healthy view of God.

3. God tests you to win.

"No temptation has seized you except what is common to man. And God is faithful; he will not let you be tempted beyond what you can bear. But when you are tempted, he will also provide a way out
so that you can stand up under it." I Corinthians 10:13

Sunday, May 11

Narnia -Prince Caspian opens Friday

Honoring Mom Throughout The Year

1. Seek to understand her as a mom.
Seek to understand her as a woman.
Seek to understand her as a person.
4. Seek to understand her as less than perfect.
5. Speak well of her.
6. Remember her.
7. Help her understand her role in your family.
8. Anticipate her concerns.
9. Help her be a grandmother.
10. Desire to honor her.
--- by Rob Flood,

Thursday, May 8

Expelled - No lntelligence Allowed

A few from church saw this excellent movie this past weekend and were encouraged to "fight the good fight of faith." It's a must-see movie.
This movie follows Ben Stein as he seeks to determine whether Intelligent Design is a pseudo-science trying to undermine evolutionary biology or whether it is legitimate science being suppressed by a scientific establishment that is hostile to any deviation from the status

Sunday, May 4

Perinatal Hospice- Alternative To Abortion

When expectant parents find out that their unborn baby cannot survive outside the womb, abortion is a quick alternative. There is good news. Perinatal hospice helps parents through the death of their babies.

To find out more, please go to

You can also find resources to help families deal with adverse diagnosis during pregnancy at

Message Recap: How To Maintain Joy

1. Deal with my personal sin (Phil. 1).

2. Pray with an attitude of gratitude (Phil. 1).

3. Have a godly perspective (Phil. 1).

4. Think forward (Rom. 5:3-5).

Saturday, May 3

Men's Fellowship will be this Saturday at

7 AM at the Barroga residence. We'll have a "Guy Talk" as we learn and understand what it means to be God's Men.
See you all there.

Wednesday, April 23


"Joy is a deep down confidence that God is in control."

Saturday, April 5

Over 30 of our young people will be traveling to Sacramento as they gather together with others statewide to stand for Truth, Jesus.
It's our joy to show them the way to the Truth.
They are our leaders of tomorrow. God calls them to change their world for Him.
Pray for safe travel to and from the event and most of all, their hearts will once again burn passionately for Jesus.

Sunday, March 23

He is Risen! Resurrection Sunday

Invite your families and friends as we celebrate Resurrection Sunday, March 23.

We'll have Easter Egg Hunt following the Worship Service.

Bring your favorite dish for the church luncheon.

Monday, March 10

Voice of the Martyrs

Do you want to show love and support to our persecuted Christian brothers and sisters worldwide?
"We invite you to write a letter of encouragement to [them]. We have experienced great results when readers write to believers who have been imprisoned for their faith. The letters make a difference, often resulting in shorter prison terms. Please send a letter of encouragement and let [them] know you are praying..."

Sunday, March 9

Billy Graham TV Special- March 9, Ch. 4 at 8pm.

The American dream of happiness is rooted in a belief in the right to “life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness,” which is written into the Declaration of Independence. Yet we all know co-workers, friends, or loved ones who pursue happiness, but it only becomes a “chasing after the wind.”
True joy and satisfaction begin when people trust Jesus Christ and follow Him.
Invite a friend and be blessed.

Thursday, March 6

Bay Area Sunday School will be on 3/6-3/8

at Redwood Chapel, Castro Valley. Thursday night at 6:45, we'll hear from an awesome speaker, Ann Graham-Lotz. Don't miss out on all the speakers. Workshops begin all day Friday and Saturday. Get ready to be trained and encouraged.

Thursday, February 28

Chronicles of Narnia - A Must See Movie

The characters of C.S. Lewis’s timeless fantasy come to life once again in this newest installment of the “Chronicles of Narnia” series, in which the Pevensie siblings are transported back from England to the world of Narnia, where a thrilling, perilous new adventure and an even greater test of their faith and courage awaits them.

You will be challenged what it means to follow Christ.

THE CHRONICLES OF NARNIA: PRINCE CASPIAN comes to theaters on May 16, 2008!

Tuesday, February 19

Rosa Parks - Quiet Strength

Many know her as the "Mother of Civil Rights Movement." However, many people don't know that Rosa Parks is a devout Christian, and that it was her Christian faith that gave her the strength to do what she did that day in 1955. Quiet Strength celebrates the principles and convictions that have guided her through a remarkable life. It's a small book (80 pages) that will encourage and challenge your walk with Christ.

Monday, February 18

Freedom from homosexuality

If you or someone struggles from homosexuality, you are not alone. You can experience "freedom from homosexuality through the power of Jesus Christ." For more info, please check out and

Verses of the week: Romans 12:14-21

Bless those who persecute you; bless and do not curse. 15Rejoice with those who rejoice; mourn with those who mourn. 16Live in harmony with one another. Do not be proud, but be willing to associate with people of low position. Do not be conceited.

17Do not repay anyone evil for evil. Be careful to do what is right in the eyes of everybody. 18If it is possible, as far as it depends on you, live at peace with everyone. 19Do not take revenge, my friends, but leave room for God's wrath, for it is written: "It is mine to avenge; I will repay,"says the Lord. 20On the contrary:
"If your enemy is hungry, feed him;
if he is thirsty, give him something to drink.
In doing this, you will heap burning coals on his head."21Do not be overcome by evil, but overcome evil with good.

Wednesday, January 30

We thank Treva Reid for speaking last Sunday on behalf of First Resort, a Christian based group that "provides complete, accurate information and compassionate counseling and medical care to San Francisco BayArea women who are making decisions about unintended pregnancies."

We also thank Nikki for providing materials for churches and organizations to be involved. For more info, please check out, or call 510-891-9998.

Monday, January 21

Quote of the Week

"It will take an eternity for the unborn to defend themselves."
- Jon Wagner