Thursday, October 23

God's Financial Plan In Tough Times

1. Give it. First, pay God.
2. Save it. Pay yourself.
3. Repay debt.
4. Pay taxes.
5. Spend it. Go shopping.

The Bible says that the way you manage your money influences how much God blesses you spiritually, how much He trusts you with spiritual blessings. He says if you’re not responsible with your pennies and your nickels and your dimes and your dollars and you’re not very responsible with the physical and material possessions God gives you then He looks at you and goes, "Then I can’t trust you with spiritual truths and spiritual blessing and spiritual responsibilities not only here on earth but for forever in eternity."

Despite economic hardships, God wants us to be faithful to Him in our finances. Jesus said in Matthew 6:33, "But seek first his kingdom and his righteousness, and all these things will be given to you as well."

God says, "I dare you to trust me." In the next 3 months , if you do ALL five things listed above, "all these things will be given to you." Watch what will happen. God is always true to His word.