Thursday, May 29

Diploma of Church Ministries

is designed to prepare pastors, church planters, lay leaders and workers to effectively minister through the local church. The DCM curriculum focuses on Christian living, Bible survey, church starting, church growth,and ministry skills providing a foundation for the Associates of Biblical Studies.

Pastor Glenn will offer the Class 103 on Sundays, June 8th, from 4-6 pm in the San Leandro/San Lorenzo area. It's $60/person and 2 books are required by the student to purchase.

It is a 14-week course and worth 2 units.

Monday, May 26

Message: Winning Over Temptation

Principles for understanding temptation:

1. Differentiate between test and temptation.

2. Have a healthy view of God.

3. God tests you to win.

"No temptation has seized you except what is common to man. And God is faithful; he will not let you be tempted beyond what you can bear. But when you are tempted, he will also provide a way out
so that you can stand up under it." I Corinthians 10:13

Sunday, May 11

Narnia -Prince Caspian opens Friday

Honoring Mom Throughout The Year

1. Seek to understand her as a mom.
Seek to understand her as a woman.
Seek to understand her as a person.
4. Seek to understand her as less than perfect.
5. Speak well of her.
6. Remember her.
7. Help her understand her role in your family.
8. Anticipate her concerns.
9. Help her be a grandmother.
10. Desire to honor her.
--- by Rob Flood,

Thursday, May 8

Expelled - No lntelligence Allowed

A few from church saw this excellent movie this past weekend and were encouraged to "fight the good fight of faith." It's a must-see movie.
This movie follows Ben Stein as he seeks to determine whether Intelligent Design is a pseudo-science trying to undermine evolutionary biology or whether it is legitimate science being suppressed by a scientific establishment that is hostile to any deviation from the status

Sunday, May 4

Perinatal Hospice- Alternative To Abortion

When expectant parents find out that their unborn baby cannot survive outside the womb, abortion is a quick alternative. There is good news. Perinatal hospice helps parents through the death of their babies.

To find out more, please go to

You can also find resources to help families deal with adverse diagnosis during pregnancy at

Message Recap: How To Maintain Joy

1. Deal with my personal sin (Phil. 1).

2. Pray with an attitude of gratitude (Phil. 1).

3. Have a godly perspective (Phil. 1).

4. Think forward (Rom. 5:3-5).

Saturday, May 3

Men's Fellowship will be this Saturday at

7 AM at the Barroga residence. We'll have a "Guy Talk" as we learn and understand what it means to be God's Men.
See you all there.